Thursday, June 9, 2011

Temperate inversion

(i) where are strategies for reducing traffic emissions likely to be more effective - in developed world cities like los angeles or in developing world cities like Cairo and beijing?
Probably in developing countries like Beijing and Cairo, because they tend to emit the most greenhouse gases. Also, they may be more willing to 'go green' if they know it will save them money, unlike areas like los Angeles. 

(ii) state two reasons why atmospheric pollution are worse in places with a dry and hot climate
-In hot climates, the warm, less dense air mass moves over a dense, cold air mass. As a result, warm inversion layer then acts  stops atmospheric mixing, and traps the pollution

1 comment:

  1. I don't think Cairo and Beijing emit more gases than LA but if even if they do, it doesn't really answer the question - also - how will reducing emissions save them money?

    good answer for part ii
